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This week, we are excited to highlight UK College of Nursing alumna Rebekah Dailey, DNP, RN, NEA-BC, LSS-GB. She is currently a Policy Fellow for Stanford Byers Biodesign Program in Stanford, California. 


Dr. Dailey is a two-time UK graduate. She earned her Bachelor of Science in 2012 and Doctorate in Nursing Practice in 2017 with a specialization in Population and Organizational Systems Leadership. 


Here's what we learned during our talk with Dr. Dailey:


What is your current job(s), and what do you find most rewarding about your work?


I recently began an inaugural Policy Fellowship through the Stanford Byers Biodesign Program. I am overcome with humility to be shaping the health of our nation through policy and innovation. What is most rewarding about this new adventure is amplifying the voices of patients, populations, and professionals to achieve accessible and equitable health for all.  


What is your favorite memory of nursing school, campus, or Lexington? 


Ovids Cafe! There was nothing like a study break, refueling with a spicy beef wrap or salad! There wasn't a time you didn't run into friends and spark up a conversation while exceeding your pre-determined break length, but it was worth it. It is a true highlight of the Big Blue Nation (BBN) community. 


You also cannot say BBN without talking about basketball. I BLEED BLUE! I was featured in a university video (minute 2:15) sharing my experience and dreams that, thanks to UK CON, I achieved!  


What does it mean to you to be UK College of Nursing alumni?


Being a two-time College of Nursing alum means excellence! The academic rigor, coupled with the hands-on clinical experience at a premier teaching hospital, as well as top-of-the-line simulation labs, is unparalleled. The breadth of experience and impact of the colleagues and friends I have gained is truly an honor. UK College of Nursing has held a special place in my heart that I have been able to share with others from undergrad as an ambassador speaking to potential students during undergrad to the professional connections and future students I mentor today!


Tell us something about your specialty that others may not know.   


Approximately one in five mothers overall and approximately 30% of Black, Hispanic, and multiracial mothers reported mistreatment during maternity care. This fact may sound solely like a quality and safety issue; however, this is a policy issue! Factors affecting maternal care within the United States are macro and far exceed direct patient care. Health policy drives the health of patients, and is my ‘why’!


What are one or two fun facts about yourself?         


I attended four universities as an undergraduate, all thanks to the University of Kentucky. I have always believed there is great value in learning from others, especially different cultures and ethnicities. UK helped expose me to this through student exchange at a historically black college, North Carolina Central University, for one semester, Queens CUNY for a summer term, and Freie Universität Berlin through a summer Fulbright program.


The UK College of Nursing values its graduates and wants to stay connected with nursing alumni! If you want to be featured in a spotlight, please email our Alumni Program Coordinator today at