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The Promotion, Appointment and Tenure Committee (PATA) is charged with the following responsibilities:

  • Review criteria for appointment, promotion and tenure and make recommendations to the Dean. 
  • Review internal College of Nursing procedures for appointment, promotion and tenure and make recommendations for changes to the Dean.
  • Provides preliminary recommendations to the Dean for faculty candidates being considered for clinical, special and regular title series positions prior to the offer of appointment.
  • Reviews applicants for appointment and promotion (i.e., Senior Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Associate Professor or Professor), granting of tenure, decisions not to reappoint and terminal reappointment and prepares a summary of recommendations for the Dean. 
  • Reviews sabbatical requests and makes recommendations to the Dean
  • Reviews high merit applications and makes recommendations to the Dean in cases where high merit is contested between the applicant and the Associate Dean.


2022-2023 PATA Committee Members

  • Dr. Mary Kay Rayens, chair
  • Dr. Ana Maria Linares
  • Dr. Julie Ossege
  • Dr. Leslie Scott
  • Dr. Lovoria Williams