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You Asked, We Listened: The Return of the MSN

  Since becoming a nurse, Stephanie Durbin had always planned to pursue her master’s degree. Last year, after 10 years in the workforce at UK HealthCare®, she finally decided on a path: health care leadership. This year she was thrilled to learn the University  of Kentucky College of Nursing (UKCON) is bringing back its MSN program of study; this time with a focus on Healthcare Systems Leadership.

A Unique Path Forward

  The University of Kentucky College of Nursing understands that all paths are unique, and we're here to help find the best one for you. Students in the Accelerated BSN (ABSN) program come from all walks of life. Whether you already have a degree in another field, served in the U.S. military or hold your LPN, our options are designed to meet your needs to pursue a career in nursing.  Which one is best for you? The Accelerated BSN degree (ABSN) is for the following applicants: 

Op-ed: Kentucky needs to continue education for registered nurses

This op-ed appeared in the Courier Journal on Monday, May 6. Every day throughout Kentucky, 72,000 registered nurses (RNs) are on the frontlines for care delivery armed with knowledge, courage and compassion for patients, families and communities. 

The Future of Nursing Science

  Thirty years ago, nurses drawn to scientific inquiry and problem-solving were just beginning to carve out a space in the academic terrain to call their own. In the 1980s, PhD programs had difficulty gaining acceptance in universities across the country. Terry Lennie, PhD, MS, BSN, senior associate dean at the UK College of Nursing and former director of the College’s PhD Program, says the early nurse researchers were intent to demarcate the intellectual territory that defined their developing discipline to establish legitimacy.

hCATS Program Visits Letcher County

  The University of Kentucky hCATS (Health Advancing Team Kills) Team of dental and nursing students provided oral health and educational services to 130 elementary school aged children with faculty and staff from the Center for Interprofessional Health Education. 

UK College of Nursing Awarded Grant from Jonas Philanthropies to Fund Doctoral Nursing Students

The University of Kentucky College of Nursing is proud to announce it has been awarded a new grant of $10,000 from Jonas Philanthropies, a leading national philanthropic funder of graduate nursing education. This two-year grant will fund the scholarship of Ms. Leighann Koonmen, who will continue to grow in her field in chronic health conditions.

Eastern State Hospital Work Learning Program Strengthens Nursing Workforce

When Heather Robertson, MPA, saw how her daughter was flourishing at the University of Kentucky (UK), she recognized that a big part of the reason was the university’s Living Learning Program (LLP). The program, which enables students with similar interests or backgrounds to live in a residence hall together, offered her daughter support and a sense of belonging as she juggled a challenging schedule and adjusted to college life.

Why Nursing? Students Express Their Passion for the Nursing Profession

  Undergraduate College of Nursing students created a mural of post-it notes in the student lounge, displaying their personal reasons for choosing nursing as their career.           

Select Medical and UK College of Nursing Celebrate First Graduates From Nursing Degree Scholarship Program

  Select Medical today announced the first two nursing school graduates resulting from its educational scholarship partnership program with the University of Kentucky (UK) College of Nursing.  Formed in 2015, the program enables eligible Select Medical registered nurses (RNs) to apply for and receive scholarships to pursue advanced nursing degrees from one of the nation’s top ranked universities for the nursing discipline.  

Celebrating 30 Years of the College of Nursing's PhD Program

  The College of Nursing is excited to celebrate 30 years of its nationally recognized PhD Program on Thursday, February 8 at the Hilary J. Boone Center at 6:00 pm. The night will include words from Dr. Cynda H. Rushton, guest speaker from the Johns Hopkins Berman Institute of Bioethics and the School of Nursing. Please RSVP by Wednesday, January 31 to