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Clearing the Air: For more than 10 years, UK's tobacco-free policy has helped Kentuckians breathe easier

  Counting fewer and fewer cigarette butts— that’s how Ellen Hahn, PhD, RN, FAAN, first realized the University of Kentucky’s tobacco free policy was starting to work not long after it went into effect across the campus in late 2009.

Update on Fall 2021 Provisional Guarantee Admission

After further review, the University of Kentucky College of Nursing is able to offer provisional guarantee admission status to a group of students who previously received notification expressing otherwise.  An email message from Kristin Ashford,  Associate Dean of Undergraduate Faculty & Interprofessional Education Affairs for the UK College of Nursing, was sent out June 9, 2021, to all applicants who received this updated status.  A hard copy of the letter will also be mailed to each applicant. 

UK College of Nursing Partners with UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to train more rural nurses

  The University of Kentucky College of Nursing is partnering with the UK College of Agriculture, Food and Environment to help meet the need for more nurses in rural Kentucky.

UK College of Nursing's DNP Program Makes History, Ranks in Top 5 Among Public Universities

The University of Kentucky College of Nursing's Doctor of Nursing Practice program continues to make history, jumping 21 spots to achieve its highest national ranking since being established as the country's first-ever DNP program in 2001.  

College of Nursing CCNE Accreditation: Open to Comments

Please see below for a letter from Dean Janie Heath on how to submit third-party comments in accordance with the College of Nursing's upcoming reaccrediatation.  Download/view a pdf of the official letter.   From:    Dr. Janie Heath, Dean and Warwick Professo, UK. College of Nursing Re:          CCNE Call for Third-Party Comments

College of Nursing announces new Health Equity Scholars program for students

On behalf of Dr. Anthony Carney, Dr. Hartley Feld, Professor Megan Walden, and current UK nursing students, the University of Kentucky College of Nursing is proud to announce the launch of a new student internship enrichment opportunity called the Health Equity Scholars program. Who should apply? UK nursing students interested in learning about and improving the health equity of underserved populations. About the program 

CON's DNP program ranked 8th in nation among public universities

  In the most recent U.S. News and World Report's rankings of top nursing schools in the country, the UK College of Nursing's Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program ranked number 8 among all public universities across the country.  The program was ranked number 30 out of all nursing schools nationally. 

Dean Janie Heath talks nursing trends for the next decade

  The year 2020 kicks off a new decade. What will the next 10 years bring in the areas of health, technology, climate, the economy, politics and more? In a new recurring series, UKNow explores the next decade by asking University of Kentucky experts to discuss and predict upcoming trends in their areas. Today, we spoke with Janie Heath, Warwick Professor of Nursing and dean of the College of Nursing. The World Health Organization declared 2020 as the year of the nurse. Dean Heath tells us what we can expect this year and in the decade beyond.

PhD Program Information Session

  PhD Program Information Session Thursday, December 12, 2019 4:30 – 6:00 PM, room 315T UK College of Nursing Individuals interested in pursuing a PHD or learning more about the PhD degree are encouraged to attend this session.