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Important Dates

Sep 15

DNP application opens for fall enrollment

Jan 15

DNP application closes for fall enrollment

June 15

DNP application opens for spring enrollment (part-time option only)

Sep 15

DNP application closes for spring enrollment (part-time option only)

Admission Timeline

Qualified, complete applicants will be contacted after the application deadline to schedule interviews with graduate nursing faculty.  

Following interviews applications will be reviewed and decision letters mailed to all applicants.

Admission is competitive based on the number of qualified applications received and the space available.  We do not admit students from all states.

BSN-DNP Admission Requirements:

  • Undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 grading scale *
  • Baccalaureate degree in nursing from a CCNE or ACEN accredited program
  • Three references (form will be provided) attesting to the applicant's expertise in nursing or health care. References are preferred from the following:
    1. A recent faculty advisor or a nursing faculty (doctorally prepared)
    2. A current supervisor
    3. No more than one from a peer
  • Personal interview(s)
  • Current active, unencumbered and unrestricted RN License. The RN license cannot have any restrictions on licensure that would preclude meeting the requirements of the degree program and required clinical rotations.
  • Clinical nursing experience prior to the first DNP clinical course
  • Personal Statement:
    • Please write a one to two double spaced essay describing what you would bring to our educational community, the advanced practice nursing profession and the community you seek to serve.
    • Include your short- and long-term professional goals. Identify and discuss a health system or organizational issue/problem you wish to expand your knowledge on during your MSN program.
  • Scholarly written work:  An example of scholarly written work, completed within three years of application, related to nursing that demonstrates excellent writing skills and the ability to communicate clearly and logically.  Samples of scholarly work: formal research paper written in your BSN program; published article on a nursing issue; or paper written on a nursing issue of interest to you.
  • Current vita/resume

MSN-DNP Admission Requirements

  • Undergraduate grade point average of 3.0 on a 4.0 grading scale *
  • Baccalaureate degree in nursing from a CCNE or ACEN accredited program
  • Master of Science in nursing degree from a CCNE or ACEN accredited program
  • Three references (form will be provided) attesting to the applicant's expertise in nursing or health care. References are preferred from the following:
    1. A recent faculty advisor or a nursing faculty (doctorally prepared)
    2. A current supervisor
    3. No more than one from a peer
  • Personal interview(s)
  • Current active, unencumbered and unrestricted RN License and APRN License, if applicable.  The APRN and RN license cannot have any restrictions on licensure that would preclude meeting the requirements of the degree program and required clinical rotations.
  • Clinical nursing experience prior to the first DNP clinical course
  • Personal Statement:
    • Please write a one to two double spaced essay describing what you would bring to our educational community, the advanced practice nursing profession and the community you seek to serve.
    • Include your short- and long-term professional goals. Identify and discuss a health system or organizational issue/problem you wish to expand your knowledge on during your MSN program.
  • Scholarly written work:  An example of scholarly written work, completed within three years of application, related to nursing that demonstrates excellent writing skills and the ability to communicate clearly and logically.  Samples of scholarly work: formal research paper written in your BSN program; published article on a nursing issue; or paper written on a nursing issue of interest to you.
  • Current vita/resume

* In instances where exemplary practice has been established and/or the applicant has successfully completed post-graduate work, a provisional admission may be considered for applicants with a GPA below 3.0. This will be evaluated case-by-case based on the number of qualified applicants for each admission cycle. Students admitted provisionally must complete the first (9) hours of DNP course requirements with a grade of B or better in each course to remain in the program.

Exemplary practice is defined as a comprehensive understanding of the role of nursing, the application of that role with patients/families/communities/interdisciplinary team and the application of new knowledge and evidence to continuously drive practice forward which will be evaluated by application material and interview results. (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2019)

Applying to the DNP Program

Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS):

The UK College of Nursing participates in Nursing’s Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS), which provides you with an online application. NursingCAS collects and processes your application documents and verifies your transcripts. We receive your application information from NursingCAS and use it to make our admission decisions. Do not apply directly to UK.

NursingCAS provides detailed instructions on their website.  Review information under the “Prepare to Apply” tab. The system provides you with updates on your progression as you work through the application and allows you to check your status online to track the receipt of your application, transcripts and references. You will be able to see when they receive your materials and when your application is marked complete and submitted to the UK College of Nursing.

Questions on how to upload required documents or questions regarding receipt of transcripts should be directed to NursingCAS and not to the College of Nursing.

All required items must be uploaded and transcripts verified by NursingCAS on or before the published deadline.   The transcript verification process can take several weeks after receipt of transcript, so please see that all materials are received by NursingCAS well in advance of the published deadline.

How to Apply:

The application fee is $80.00, payable through NursingCAS. For information on application fee waivers, visit the NursingCAS website. There is no additional application fee to the University of Kentucky College of Nursing.  Applicants to the post-baccalaureate DNP program must select one specialty in their application. Specialty options are:

  • Adult Gero Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
  • Executive Nursing Leadership
  • Family Nurse Practitioner
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Primary Care
  • Pediatric Nurse Practitioner – Acute Care
  • Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner

Prospective applicants must complete the following sections on the Nursing's Centralized Application Service (NursingCAS).

NursingCAS sections:

  1. Personal Information
  2. Academic History
    • Send official post-secondary transcripts from all institutions where you earned a degree or completed any coursework. Transcripts can take up to 7-10 business days to process once they are received by NursingCAS.
    • ​​​​​​Send official post-secondary transcripts from all institutions where you earned a degree or completed any coursework. Transcripts can take up to 7-10 business days to process once they are received by NursingCAS.
      • ​​​​​​The official transcripts must be sent to NursingCAS.
      • Applicants applying to a graduate program are not required to submit high school transcripts for admission consideration.
      • Transcripts sent directly to the University of Kentucky will not be accepted. If you have any questions regarding the process of submitting transcripts, contact NursingCAS directly through their contact page.
      • Current or previous University of Kentucky students are required to request transcripts to be sent to NursingCAS through the Office of the Registrar.
  3. Supporting Materials
    • ​​​​​​​ ​​​​​​​Achievements
    • Experiences
    • Licensure and Certification
  4. Program Materials Section
    • Current CV/Resume - You should have your current/updated Curriculum Vitae or resume in hand prior to beginning the application. This will provide you with needed information regarding prior schools attended, dates, prior employment and dates, etc. needed for the application. Applicants are required to upload current CV/resume. See sample format.
    • Recommendations - You will need current contact information on each of your three references (full name, employer name and email address) before beginning the application. These individuals will be required to upload a letter of recommendation to NursingCAS.  References attesting to the applicant's expertise in nursing or health care are preferred from the following:
      1. A recently faculty advisor or nursing faculty member (doctorally prepared)
      2. A current supervisor
      3. No more than one peer
        • Identifying your selected references and initiating the recommendation request is part of the NursingCAS application.  Hard copy or electronic versions of recommendations sent directly to the school will not be accepted
    • Writing Sample - An example of scholarly written work completed within two years of application, related to nursing that demonstrates excellent writing skills and the ability to communicate clearly and logically. Examples of scholarly work include a formal research paper written for your BSN or MSN Program; a published article on a nursing issue; or a paper written on a nursing issue of interest to you.
    • Essay Requirements:
      • Please write a one to two double-spaced page essay describing what you as a person would bring to our educational community, the advanced practice nursing profession, and the community you seek to serve.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
      • Include your short- and long-term professional goals. Identify a system or population you are interested in working with and discuss a problem in that system/population that you wish to expand your knowledge on during your DNP program.
    • Licensure - Applicants must upload copy of the State Board of Nursing validation of their current, unencumbered RN license(s), and APRN license if applicable. 


Additional Information

All admitted students will be required to undergo background check, drug screen and submit proof of immunizations and CPR to a medical document service.  For more information about the Doctor of Nursing Practice Program, please watch this short video.

Out of State Students: 

The University of Kentucky works to provide distance learning courses and programs to students across the state of Kentucky, the country and abroad, but location matters when it comes to the availability of some courses and programs. Each state and territory have different requirements for distance learning. Out of state students who are interested in distance learning should read each section below and confirm that their program of interest can be offered and/or lead to licensure or certification in their state or territory.

  • State Authorization is a type of consumer protection regulated by states and territories. Institutions are required to obtain state authorization when they offer online courses or programs outside of their home state. Visit the state authorization section to learn which programs are authorized in each state.
  • States may have additional requirements for programs that lead to professional licensure or certification. Learn which programs can lead to state licensure in each state.
  • Contact Distance Learning with questions or for more information.
Student Relocation Disclosure:

All distance education students should keep in mind that relocating during the course of a program to another state could impact whether that student can continue in the course and/or meet the eligibility requirements of that state. If you plan to move to another state during your program, please contact your program advisor as soon as possible.

Questions? Contact us.

Graduate Nursing Admissions


Get started on your DNP degree

The DNP application opens September 15 and closes March 30 for MSN-DNP applicants and April 30 for BSN-DNP applicants Fall (August) enrollment and opens June 15 and closes September 15 for spring enrollment. 

Apply Now