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The following communication is from Provost Robert DiPaola and was distributed Monday, March 14, 2022.  

As you know, nominations for membership of the search committee for the Dean of the College of Nursing were solicited in February from the College of Nursing and from faculty, staff and student leadership groups via Senate Council, Staff Senate and the Student Government Association. Based on these nominations, the committee has been formed. 

The search committee co-chairs are:

  • Chipper Griffith – Acting Dean, College of Medicine; Professor, Internal Medicine and Pediatrics
  • Tukea Talbert – Chief Diversity Officer, UK HealthCare; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nursing

Please see below for the remainder of the committee roster:

  • Lacey Buckler – Chief Advanced Practice Officer, UK HealthCare; Adjunct Instructor, Nursing
  • Amanda Fallin-Bennett – Assistant Professor, Nursing 
  • Ellen Hahn – Marcia A. Dake Professor, Nursing
  • Claire-Marie Hall – Student, Nursing; SGA Nominee
  • Jake Higgins – Assistant Professor, Nursing
  • Melinda Ickes – Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies, Kinesiology and Health Promotion; Senate Council Nominee
  • Delanor Manson – Alumna; Chief Executive Officer, Kentucky Nurses Association; Member, Dean’s Advisory Board
  • Gwen Moreland – Chief Nurse Executive, UK HealthCare; Adjunct Assistant Professor, Nursing
  • Debra Moser – Professor, Nursing; Assistant Dean of PhD Program and Scholarly Affairs
  • Chizimuzo Okoli – Professor, Nursing; Chair, Faculty Council
  • Evelyn Parrish – Associate Professor, Nursing; Assistant Dean of Accreditation and Strategic Outcomes 
  • Carol Simpson – Simulation Instructional Support Specialist; Staff Senate Nominee

I will soon meet with the search committee to issue their charge and discuss the search process. We thank them for their time and service for this important leadership position. 

Please feel free to contact Anna Chalfant with any questions. 

Robert S. DiPaola, M.D.

Acting Provost


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