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How to make breastfeeding easier for women working outside the home

The following appeared in the Lexington Herald-Leader on Feb. 28.

The health advantages of exclusive breastfeeding have been documented and reported for mothers and children. According to a 2014 report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nationally 79 percent of infants have been breastfed and 49 percent were breastfeeding at 6 months. 

The same report showed, in Kentucky, 61 percent of infants have been breastfed and only 32 percent were breastfeeding at 6 months. The goal standard is to increase the proportion of infants that are breastfeeding at 6 months. With planning and support from the community, those rates can improve.

Many mothers are aware of the benefits of breastfeeding, however some encounter significant barriers that decrease their chances of initiating breastfeeding or continuing until the recommended 6 months. Working outside the home can be one of those barriers and is related to a shorter duration of breastfeeding.

Low-income women are more likely than their higher-income counterparts to return to work earlier and to be engaged in jobs that make it challenging for them to continue breastfeeding.

There are some steps women can take to maintain breastfeeding while working outside the home.

▪ Storing breast milk is a key step to continuing breastfeeding. A few weeks before returning to the workplace, mothers can begin freezing breast milk, labeling bottles with the date so older bottles can be used first. In a standard freezer, milk is usable for three months after bottling. A breast pump is the most important tool in the process of creating your own milk bank. Most health insurances cover the cost of pumps and Medicaid recipients also receive this benefit through the local health department.

▪ Teaching the baby to drink breast milk from a bottle is a process that should begin a few weeks before returning to work and family members can help in this.

▪ The goal to pump breast milk should be discussed with employers to accommodate the best times and place to pump. Finally, the goal of continuing breastfeeding should be discussed with child care providers.

Commitment to providing women with the support that they need to achieve their infant feeding intention is a collective effort. When we come together to protect every mother’s right to breastfeed, as long as she and her baby desired, we'll begin to see a positive change in the health of our nation.

Dr. Ana Maria Linares is an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing.

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