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See the below message from Janie Heath, Dean and Warwick Professor Nursing, University of Kentucky College of Nursing.

The conviction of Derek Chauvin in the murder of George Floyd breathes hope into the future of accountability and progress toward social justice in America. It is a reminder that the work is just beginning and that we need to continue to push for meaningful change. We know that many of us have been deeply affected and impacted by this trauma.  

As nurses, we know that healing will be an ongoing process. It does not happen overnight and nor does it follow the same path for every individual.  It starts with realizing racial equity and working as a higher education nursing institution to stay the course and do the work. We will not and cannot rest until there is true justice and equity for all.

We will continue our mission of inspiring hope and transforming communities by advocating for the health and wellness of all; by denouncing racism and prejudiced violence; and by promoting health equity through systematic changes in education, policy and practice.  

As we work to support one another—especially our students of color—UK has resources for help and healing:

Resources for students are available here.


Resources for employees are available here.



See President Capilouto’s message on the George Floyd trial