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A week ago today, lives were destroyed by a series of attacks in Paris, Baghdad and Beirut as well as natural disasters in Japan and Mexico. It was a devastating day—and now, more than ever, we must stand as one, united as global citizens.

One victim was Nohemi Gonzalez, a student of California State University, Long Beach studying in France. Our campus community aches for Gonzalez, his family and school.

To the people of Paris, Baghdad, Beirut, Japan and Mexico, we ache for you. We extend our thoughts and greatest sympathy to the families and friends of every victim.

As nurses, we are deeply grateful for the health care workers who are still working to this day to provide assistance to the injured; their immediate and enduring concern for the health and safety of others is not just admirable – it is heroic.

May these attacks awaken us in a time of hatred and bring out the best of the human race. We must stand united in the face of violence and be reminded of the simple fragility of life—a gift we are all lucky to have.