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Polk-Dalton Clinic Ensures Compliance, Improves Satisfaction for Chronic Pain Patients

By Elizabeth Adams   Opioid addiction is a complex medical disorder that impacts the entire nation, but much of the problem is condensed to disparate regions of Kentucky. This is the first installment of a series of articles highlighting the work of University of Kentucky researchers and UK HealthCare medical providers who are making progress toward solutions to the epidemic in our state and at large. #UK4KY

BLOG From Terry Allen: Our Responsibility To Keep the Promise

  The following is a blog from UK Interim Vice President for Institutional Diversity Terry Allen. There are so many things we don’t yet know about the tragic shooting deaths this week of two black men in Louisiana and Minnesota, now compounded by the horrific killing and wounding of 12 police officers in Dallas. What we do know is, in so many respects, of little comfort. We are enveloped by a numbing sensation, overwhelming confusion and sadness. So many of us feel a fatiguing familiarity to all of this senseless and incomprehensible violence.

AACN Members Endorse Resolution Calling for Smoke- and Tobacco-Free Schools of Nursing

WASHINGTON, D.C., April 19, 2016 – The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) is pleased to announce that the deans of the nation’s baccalaureate and graduate nursing programs have endorsed a resolution calling for smoke-free college campuses. This call to action was issued to mobilize support among nurse educators for promoting tobacco-free policies at colleges and universities nationwide in an effort to promote healthy behaviors and save lives.  

How to Make Breastfeeding Easier for Women Working Outside the Home

How to make breastfeeding easier for women working outside the home The following appeared in the Lexington Herald-Leader on Feb. 28. The health advantages of exclusive breastfeeding have been documented and reported for mothers and children. According to a 2014 report from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, nationally 79 percent of infants have been breastfed and 49 percent were breastfeeding at 6 months. 

A Resolution for the State: Take Responsible Steps to Reduce Tobacco Burden

The following op-ed by Dean Janie Heath and Professor Ellen has was published in the Louisville Courier-Journal on January 11, 2015.  Our New Year’s resolution is for Kentucky to breathe clean air and build its economic strength by investing in the health of our loved ones and in future generations.

The UK College of Nursing Remembers Friday, November 13

A week ago today, lives were destroyed by a series of attacks in Paris, Baghdad and Beirut as well as natural disasters in Japan and Mexico. It was a devastating day—and now, more than ever, we must stand as one, united as global citizens. One victim was Nohemi Gonzalez, a student of California State University, Long Beach studying in France. Our campus community aches for Gonzalez, his family and school. To the people of Paris, Baghdad, Beirut, Japan and Mexico, we ache for you. We extend our thoughts and greatest sympathy to the families and friends of every victim.

Student Nurses Association Holds Clothing Drive for the Hope Center

The Student Nurses Association (SNA) is holding its annual clothing and holiday drive for the Hope Center. They are collecting NEW items such as: Long underwear Sweatshirts Gloves and hats Coats Backpacks SNA is also collecting toys for the many parents of young children who are in the Hope Center’s Residential Recovery Program. This is just a small way we can help others in the community have a brighter holiday season. There is a box in the UG lounge for donations until holiday break beings in December.

UK College of Nursing Stands with University of South Carolina During Severe Flooding

  The University of South Carolina has undergone tremendous stress as unprecedented rain has caused rising water to sweep through surrounding neighborhoods and wash out roads and bridges, leaving many in their community without homes and basic needs and essentials. While relief efforts have begun in Columbia, destruction continues further downstream. Recovery will take time and effort, and UK’s College of Nursing wants to help. To our friends at USC, we stand with you during this difficult time. Stay strong and we will get through this.

Appalachian Residents Adopt Heart-Healthy Eating Habits through Cooking Intervention

Mary Stevens of Jackson County attends heart-healthy cooking classes with her mother Betty. West Liberty resident Bonnie Burton describes her husband as a “meat-and-potatoes” eater who shuns broccoli and other green vegetables.

Dr. Jenna Hatcher Receives Grant to Promote Colorectal Screening in Rural Appalachia

12/12/2014 – Jennifer Hatcher, PhD, RN, associate professor, received a two-year $359,528 award from the National Cancer Institute for her project, “Promoting Colorectal Cancer Screening (CRC) in Rural Emergency Departments.”