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The University of Kentucky College of Nursing celebrated its Class of December 2019 at a special Pinning Ceremony on Friday, Dec. 20. 

The event, held at the Singletary Center for the Arts, is a time-honored tradition where each nursing graduate accepts a College of Nursing boomerang pin from someone special in their life.  The pin symbolizes that the graduate has earned the privilege to practice nursing and makes a promise to the public to always offer safe, quality care.  

The boomerang symbol was first adopted by the College of Nursing in 1964 and was inspired by the Sculpture of Duality, which resembles a boomerang, and originally stood in front of UK's medical center.  At the ceremony, Dr. Janie Heath, the fifth dean of the College of Nursing, described the boomerang's symbolism as "soaring high with excellence and staying grounded with values."

During the ceremony, the graduates also recite the the International Nursing Code, another important moment to culminate thief journey to becoming a nurse.  

The Class of December 2019 was the College of Nursing's 78th baccalaureate graduating class. 


View the complete list of graduates and the Pinning Ceremony Program

View a photo album from the event