Diabetes in Kentucky Schools Training Program
The Diabetes in KY Schools Training Program is designed specifically for school nurses and unlicensed school personnel. During the training, participants will learn how to provide diabetes-related care, education, and medication administration in a school setting to students with diabetes.
Fast Facts
- Register for the training program online at https://www.cecentral.com/diabetesinkyschools
- Training is 100 % online
- Time commitment: 6 hours
- Course includes seven training modules
- After training completion and competency evaluation, nurses will earn 6 Kentucky Board of Nursing (KBN) approved Continuing Education Unit (CEU) credits and unlicensed personnel will earn a program completion certificate
- FAQs about the training program
Training Modules
The training course covers the below training modules/learning areas:
- Overview (Diabetes in general; Legislative requirements for school personnel)
- Exercise and nutrition
- Diabetes medications and emergencies
- Type 2 in youth
- Heathy coping
- Diabetes technology
- Tying it all together (application-based case studies)
- $40 for school nurses (re: CEUs)
- Free for unlicensed school personnel
- Register at https://www.cecentral.com/diabetesinkyschools
Project collaborators
- University of Kentucky College of Nursing
- Kentucky Department of Public Health
- Kentucky Department of Education
- University of Kentucky Healthcare Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center
- Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
- Norton Healthcare Wendy Novak Endocrinology Center
For questions about the training program, contact Dr. Leigh Anne Koonmen at leigh.koonmen@uky.edu.