Dr. Jessica Wilson elected president of Kentucky Board of Nursing
University of Kentucky College of Nursing professor Jessica Wilson PhD, APRN-BC, was recently elected president of the Kentucky Board of Nursing effective July 1, 2020. Dr. Wilson was appointed by Governor Matt Bevin in 2018 to a four-year term on the KBN Board of Directors with specific responsibilities providing board support for the Education Committee.
"This is a huge honor and great opportunity for Dr. Wilson's leadership to shine as she helps to protect the well-being of the public by the development and enforcement of state laws governing the safe practice of nursing, nursing education and credentialing," said CON Dean Janie Heath.
Jessica Wilson received her bachelor's degree in nursing from Midway College and a master's degree from Spalding University with a specialization in adult rehabilitation nursing.
She received her PhD in nursing from UK in 2012. Her dissertation focused on research funded by NIOSH through the Southeast Center for Agricultural Health and Injury Prevention about the prevalence of ATVs and ATV-related injuries on Kentucky farms.
Before becoming a UK faculty member in 2004, Wilson held various clinical positions in the UK Medical Center. She has been a medical-surgical staff nurse, neurosurgery research coordinator, and an advanced registered nurse practitioner in the neurosurgery department. Her clinical expertise is in adult health and neurosurgical nursing and in addition to serving as a CON professor, she currently serves as the RN-BSN track coordinator and director of online innovation.