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Send in Your Nominations!

The UK College of Nursing Alumni Association has recognized outstanding contributions by its alumni in the nursing field since 1991. Award nominees are accepted in two categories, described below.

Please send your nominations (self-nominations gladly accepted) by mail to the Kerrie Moore, UK College of Nursing,  315 College of Nursing Bldg., Lexington, KY 40536-0232. The deadline for nominations is Thursday, August 1, 2019. The alumni awards will be presented at the College of Nursing Alumni Association annual Homecoming Brunch on Friday, Oct. 11, 2019. Download the award nomination form here.

First Decade Award

For the person who holds an undergraduate or graduate degree from the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, is currently engaged in the profession of nursing and has been in practice for 10 years or less since receiving a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) degreeprior to the annual alumni meeting (normally Homecoming Weekend), and who has laid the foundation for an exemplary career in nursing.

Outstanding Alumnus Award

This annual award is presented to an individual who holds an undergraduate or graduate degree from the UK College of Nursing and who exemplifies a commitment to supporting the College, as well as an outstanding career in nursing.

Outstanding Alumni Award Past Recipients


Jessica N. Lawrence – First Decade Award

Mavis N. Schorn – Outstanding Alumnus


Whitney F. Heet – First Decade Award

Jody M. Greenlee – Outstanding Alumnus


Katie R. Busby, First Decade Award

Kimberly H. Wilder, Outstanding Alumnus


Courtney Weekley, First Decade Award

Karen M. Butler, Outstanding Alumnus


Demetrius Abshire, First Decade Award

Patricia J. Hughes, Outstanding Alumnus


Lacey Buckler, First Decade Award

Karen L. Heaton, Outstanding Alumnus


Matt Proud, First Decade Award

Sheila H. Ridner, Outstanding Alumnus


Marian Roman, Outstanding Alumnus

Laura B. Hieronymus, Outstanding Alumnus


Robyn Cheung, Outstanding Alumnus 


Ellee Humphrey, First Decade Award 

Deborah Howell, Outstanding Alumnus 


Deborah B. Reed, Research Award 

Elizabeth E. Weiner, Outstanding Alumnus 


Lorelei Fray, First Decade Award 

Melinda Blair, Education Award 

Eula Spears, Outstanding Alumnus 


Lindsay A. Bowles, First Decade Award 

Suzanne P. Reiter, Clinical Practice Award 

Karen Choate Robbins, Outstanding Alumnus


Cynthia G. Absher, First Decade Award 

Pamela Rickerson, Clinical Practice Award 

Dean Allen Gross, Outstanding Alumnus/Administration


Rebecca Jane Dentinger, First Decade Award 

Denise Danner Hundley, Clinical Practice Award 

Dr. Laura Porter Kimble, Outstanding Alumnus/Research


Ellen Maria Demos, First Decade Award 

Linda Salyer Birk, Clinical Practice Award 

Marcia K. Stanhope, Outstanding Alumnus/Education


Kimberly D. Horne, First Decade Award 

Sharon Sallee Holmes, Clinical Practice Award 

Nancy Dickenson Hazard, Outstanding Alumnus/Community & Professional Service


Mary A. Barron, First Decade Award 

Kathy Wheeler, Clinical Practice Award 

Anthony W. Burgett, Outstanding Alumnus Award 


Karen Tufts, Practice Award 

Karen Hill, Management/Administration 

Beverly Reno, Service Award 

Barbara Hulsmeyer Education Award


Susan Hunter Gannote, Outstanding Alumni Award

50th Anniversary Outstanding Alumni

While our alumni may have attended the University of Kentucky at different times, graduates share the common bond of being a UK nurse. With their UK degrees, alumni have built rewarding careers and in doing so, have helped to advance the College’s reputation across the state, region and nationally through their contributions to the profession. In 2010, during the College’s 50th anniversary, we recognized 50 of our graduates and celebrated the depth and breadth of their many accomplishments. Those honored were:

Melissa D. Avery

Lora H. Beebe

Victoria M. Bradley

Susan Brooks

Patricia A. Calico

Janet S. Carpenter

Patricia C. Clark

Marla J. DeJong

Jane Englebright

Linda B. Gorton

Sheila E. Highgenboten

Karen S. Hill

Vicki Hines-Martin

Sherry Holmes

Patricia B. Howard

Patricia K. Howard

Tonda L. Hughes

Marsha L. Hughes-Rease

Barbara R. Kitchen

Patricia A. Kurtz

Melanie Lutenbacher

Rosalie O. Mainous

Christine L. Mays

Linda L. Moneyham

Sarah D. Moore

Erla J. Mowbray

Marilyn J. Musacchio

Lynne G. Pearcey

Deborah B. Reed

Patricia A. Rice

Carol A. Riker

Karen M. Robinson

Karen R. Robinson

Deborah L. Royalty

Juliann G. Sebastian

Karen H. Sexton

Crystal Sherman

Sally G. Siebert

Kevin L. Smith

Eula J. Spears

Marcia K. Stanhope

Karen A. Stefaniak

Kathleen D. Wagner

Gail E. Wise

Gail A. Wolf

K. Jane Younger