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Early registration for the 2019 RICH Writing Institute at the UK Gatton Student Center has been extended until June 30th. 

In this week-long "working institute, you will receive personal writing and statistical assistance from an exclusive group of international renowned faculty. We will teach you approaches to prolific writing and turning your ideas and your data into a publishable paper. We will coach you every step of the way to getting your paper done and "out the door". The goal of the Institute is to assist attendees prepare a manuscript that is ready to submit to a peer-reviewed journal review. The week will include plenty of writing time, in-depth consultation on your writing, and presentations on manuscript development.

Attendees have the option of attending the following presentations and receiving individual consultation on:

  • Structure of a data-based manuscript
  • How to write effective introduction and discussion sections
  • Use appropriate text, tables, and figures to report statistical findings
  • How to respond to reviewer critiques
  • How to analyze and present your data for more effective manuscripts

Please register here.

You can find more information on registration and housing here.