All didactic (lecture-related) content will be online/distance learning. Some courses will have a weekly synchronous (all meet remotely at a certain time) lecture, while other courses will be entirely asynchronous (work completed independently on own time) in nature. In addition, there will be regular opportunities for synchronous exam reviews, office hours, one-on-one meetings, and other activities. The synchronous lecture times will be made available well ahead of each block, and students are expected to attend all lectures (remotely). If a student’s work schedule conflicts with synchronous lecture and is non-
negotiable – the student will be required to provide a letter from their work manager, explaining the situation. Only then will a student absence be considered excused, and lecture recordings will be provided.
On the other hand, both lab and clinical are weekly “face-to-face” (in-person) experiences. The three-hour lab occurs weekly the first two blocks (16 weeks), while the eight-hour weekly clinicals occur all eight blocks (entire program). All weekly labs on the Lexington campus are in the College of Nursing and all weekly clinicals are in the Lexington area. All weekly labs and clinicals on the Ashland campus are in King’s Daughter’s hospital. Lexington-based LPNs have the option to take an LPN-only lab, which takes place once monthly on Sunday afternoon. Currently, there is no LPN-only option in Ashland. Lexington clinicals are scheduled both weekdays and weekends. In Ashland, clinicals are scheduled on weekdays only. In addition, students will be required to attend one-three simulations and deliberate practice every semester, all held face-to-face in the College of Nursing (or at King’s Daughter’s in Ashland).