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Academic advisors for students on campus are in the College of Nursing Building's Room 315. Students may make appointments by schedule or come by during Express Advising.  

Preparation for meeting with your Academic Advisor:

  • Come prepared to discuss your situation, plans, and goals with an open mind. 
  • Write down your questions and concerns before your appointment and bring them with you. 
  • If you are meeting with your Academic Advisor to discuss degree progress and course selection/registration for the upcoming semester, please prepare a list of classes that you are interested in taking to discuss during your advising appointment.
  • Be honest with your Academic Advisor and yourself.

Students enrolled in the College of Nursing may e-mail their assigned advisor or schedule an appointment for any questions.

Meet Your Advisors

Assistant Dean for Academic Advising and Student Success

Portrait photo of Corey Moore

Corey Moore

Location Detail
315C College of Nursing

Nursing Academic Advisor

Portrait photo of Dylan Bogard

Dylan Bogard

Location Detail
315F College of Nursing

Nursing Academic Advisor

Headshot photo of Jennifer Malone

Jennifer Malone

Location Detail
315N College of Nursing

Nursing Academic Advisor

Portrait photo of Shaun Ketterman

Shaun Ketterman

Location Detail
315N College of Nursing

Nursing Academic Advisor

Hadley Sensing

Location Detail
315G College of Nursing

Nursing Academic Advisor

Man with black hair and a grey coat standing in front of a blue and white UK patterned background

Miguel Prieto-Valle

Location Detail
315L College of Nursing

Express Advising

The UK CON Office of Academic and Student Affairs has Express Advising during the start of the of the fall and spring semesters. Additionally, during the semester Express Advising will be every Thursday from 9 am - 12 pm and 1 pm - 4 pm. For Express Advising, students will be seen on a first come first serve basis. Express Advising is meant to provide access to your Academic Advisor for quick and urgent questions, routine check-ins, and time-sensitive issues. For Express Advising meetings that exceed 15 minutes, students may be asked to schedule a follow-up advising appointment. 

Commonly Requested Academic Processes

Changing major to Pre-Nursing

For currently enrolled UK students seeking to change their major to pre-nursing, please follow the below instructions.  For incoming UK freshmen, please contact the Admissions Office for major change requests.  

Major changes are only open until the last day to add a full semester course. Major changes will re-open following the conclusion of the semester, and those with both a 3.0 science GPA and 3.0 cumulative GPA will be considered. The science GPA typically consists of ANA 109, ANA 110, BIO 103, and CHE 103, or their approved alternatives. Those with questions should visit Express Advising on Thursdays 9-12 and 1-4 in the College of Nursing. As a note, students do not need to be listed as Pre-Nursing to apply to the BSN program, as long as they meet our requirements to apply.

GPA criteria to change into Pre-nursing major:

  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA
  • Minimum 3.0 cumulative science GPA

How to Request a change to a pre-nursing major

The 'Request a major change' link is located in the student myUK GPS under 'My Program of Study' (see photo below).  Select the link, complete the form, and submit. 

Choose: Pre-Nursing (PNUI-BSN)

How to request a major change screenshot












What happens next?

When a student submits a major/minor/certification change request, the system will send the student a confirmation email with details of their request proposal. At this same time the student’s current primary advisor will be notified of the same. The handler(s) of the college(s) whose purview the student’s request falls under will also be notified by email alerting them a new submission has come in. 

When the student’s request is approved/denied, the student is notified of the decision along with any messages the handlers have created for the student. If a new advisor is assigned for the student by the handler that advisor will also be notified indicating a new student has been assigned to them.

*Please note: Eligibility to switch into the pre-nursing major does not guarantee admission into the BSN program.

Repeat Option

  • If you are repeating a course with the intent to replace the prior grade, complete this online Repeat Option Form through the Office of the Registrar, after the final grade for your second attempt has been entered in your transcript. If you are repeating a course in your final semester before graduation, please complete the form during finals week. 

Class Drop/Withdrawal

  • If you want to drop a class, verify with your advisor that there are no unknown (to you) consequences before completing the process through Registration. Refer to the Academic Calendar for the exact date of the last day to drop each semester.

Dean's List Requirements

To receive Dean's List honors in the College of Nursing, students must earn:

  • A semester GPA of 3.5 or greater.
  • At least 12 credit hours in graded coursework. Earned credit hours taken, pass/fail are excluded. 

If you are not on the Dean's List, but have a 3.5 or greater semester GPA, the following issues could be the reason:

  • You did not earn at least 12 hours of graded credit (i.e. A, B, C) because you took some classes pass/fail or audit. 
  • You earned an F grade. F grades disqualify a student for Dean's List regardless of graded credit hours or semester GPA.
  • You have one or more incompletes (I grade) for the semester.
  • You retook a class you previously earned credit for, and the grade you most recently earned was removed as duplicate credit, putting you below 12 hours.
  • You have an active FERPA privacy flag on your account and therefore cannot be named on any lists released to the public.
    • All eligible students shall have a Dean's List designation on their transcript for the semester, regardless of FERPA privacy status.

Congratulations to those who earned a place on the Dean's List in the College of Nursing! The most recent Dean's list may be found here.

If you do not appear on a Dean's List by the College of Nursing, but think you should, please contact Jackie ThompsonPlease note the College of Nursing is only responsible for the lists we publish. If you are not included on a list published by another office at UK, you must contact the office responsible for the list in question.

Don't have an advisor? Contact our general information line.

College of Nursing Student Services
