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The purpose of the following information is to provide administrative guidelines and procedures for the University of Kentucky College of Nursing.  All policies and procedures established by the University of Kentucky are considered the acceptable standard for all employees of the College. The guidelines listed below are consistent with the University’s administrative regulations, business procedures, and policies, but they are not intended to be all-inclusive. For more comprehensive University guidelines, visit UK's Administrative Regulations and/or UK's Business Procedures Manual. 

We always encourage you to first go to your supervisor for any questions or directions when beginning a new process.  For faculty, that will be your Program Associate Dean. 


Human Resources






Standard Operating Procedures

Information Technology

Safety & Security

Important safety numbers

  • Campus Police/Police Dispatch: (859) 257-1376
  • Office of Environmental Health & Safety: (859) 257-1376
  • Reporting an injury/UK’s Worker’s Care: (800) 440-6285