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Holmes Award Presented to Women in UK Nursing Areas

Kristin Ashford, PhD, WHNP-BC, FAAN, assistant dean of research at the UK College of Nursing, and Nicole Waite, an administrative support associate for UK HealthCare Nurse Recruitment, received the Sarah Bennett Holmes Award during a luncheon ceremony at the Hilary J. Boone Center on March 10.

Register for the 2016 Smoke-free Spring Conference Featuring Tobacco Control Expert Stanton Glantz

REGISTER NOW to attend the 2016 Smoke-free Spring Conference! Hosted by the Kentucky Center for Smoke-free Policy (KCSP)

Four UK Nurse Leaders Inducted as 2015 Fellows of the American Academy of Nursing

Pictured above from left to right: Dr. Cecilia Page, Dr. Pat Howard, Dr. Deborah Reed, Dr. Kristin Ashford, Dean Heath and Dr. Ellen Hahn. Four nurse leaders from the UK College of Nursing and UK HealthCare have been appointed as 2015 fellows by the American Academy of Nursing (AAN) in honor of their service to the community and the nursing profession. The distinction recognizes nurses whose outstanding accomplishments, interdisciplinary engagement and leadership are actively transforming our country’s health care systems.

Nursing Faculty Awarded Grant to Study Effect of E-cigs on Pregnant Women

The U.S. has the largest and fastest growing market for e-cigs, and adult women of childbearing age are the most common users. However, no data exists regarding the health effects of e-cigs on pregnant women or their babies.

UK Researcher’s Study of CRUSH Anti-Smoking Campaign Makes Top LGBT News

An anti-smoking campaign targeting members of the LGBT community and evaluated by University of Kentucky College of Nursing researcher Amanda Fallin was recently cited as a Huffington Post “LGBT Wellness Story of the Week.”

Professor Amanda Fallin's Op-ed about Opioid Overdose Prevention

Professor Amanda Fallin and Clinical Associate Professor Patricia Freeman in the College of Pharmacy had an op-ed published in the Lexington Herald-Leader about the need for pharmacists to receive training in the use of naloxone for opioid overdose prevention and apply for certification from the Kentucky Board of Pharmacy in order help fight Kentucky’s deadly opioid epidemic. Below is the text from their op-ed:

Professor Ellen Hahn and Dean Janie Heath's Op-ed on Funding Tobacco Prevention and Treatment Efforts

Professor Ellen Hahn and Dean Janie Heath penned an op-ed that was featured in the Louisville Courier-Journal, and the Lexington Herald-Leader. The piece was written in response to a CDC report that admonished South Carolina, Texas and Kentucky for failing to provide enough money from tobacco tax revenue for tobacco prevention efforts.

College of Nursing PhD Program Director Receives Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Award

Susan Frazier, PhD, RN, FAHA, associate professor and PhD program director at the College of Nursing, received the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation award: Future of Nursing Scholars at the University of Kentucky College of Nursing, Cohort 3 (2016-2019). This $150,000 award will support the tuition, stipend, living expenses and fees for two scholars who will begin their PhD programs in September 2016.

College of Nursing Professor Inducted into the Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International 2016 Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame

  The Honor Society of Nursing, Sigma Theta Tau International (STTI) inducted Terry Lennie, PhD, RN, FAHA, FAAN, professor and associate dean of graduate faculty affairs at the UK College of Nursing, as well as 18 other nurse researchers, into the International Nurse Researcher Hall of Fame. The induction took place at STTI’s 27th International Nursing Research Congress in Cape Town, South Africa, July 21-25.

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